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Sustainable and safe construction

The construction site of the future can reach zero emissions – let's work together to make this a reality.

Become a gamechanger

Reducing CO2 emissions and enabling a cleaner world is a cross-industry challenge. Both Zero Emission Zones and low emission construction are fast becoming an industry standard, while safety remains of paramount importance.

We share your concerns and are ready to help you meet your ambitions. As we enter a critical phase in our planet’s evolution, our services and solutions are continually monitored and improved to minimize their environmental impact. Let’s make a change together.

Jani Heinonen

Senior Customer Manager

What is your need?

Turn facts and figures into answers

Break your business intelligence free from organizational silos and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

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Unlock the value of distributed energy resources

Transform your business into a sustainable, consumer-centric energy ecosystem.

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Accelerate your business with Artificial Intelligence

We offer AI accelerators and solutions with immediate impact to your business, scaling AI across your enterprise to unleash your digital advantage and full potential.

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Sustainability is in our core

As the world rapidly changes, we take tangible steps, in collaboration with our partners, to build a smart, sustainable and digital society.

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