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Having both, my own buddy and mentor as a graduate is priceless!

Being at the turning point of her career, Jenna feels that our Graduate Program has brought more perspective on her future career journey.

Jenna Lammi / November 10, 2020

As a soon-to-be graduating lawyer, I feel like I am standing at a crossroads. There are two highways in front of me that offer very different possibilities. Which one to step on? Luckily, I got to join the Graduate Program here at TietoEVRY, which helps me to figure out my future goals.

I joined the TietoEVRY family in June 2020 as a summer trainee in legal team. During those three months, I got involved in many interesting projects. However, as sales processes and contract negotiation lifecycles are relatively long, I only got to finalize a few of them. Joining the Graduate Program is a great opportunity to continue what I have already started here, and gave me time to ponder the direction of my future career as a lawyer.

Although I love my work here and believe that TietoEVRY could really be my future workplace - I am asking myself the difficult questions about my future. Should I take the most common path and go work for a law firm as most newly graduated lawyers do? Should I stay as an inhouse lawyer as I have really enjoyed the practical way of working? What is the right choice to make at this point as there are so many different possibilities?

I guess I just must keep my mind open and do what feels right. I am super glad to be able to tackle my dilemma thanks to the Graduate Program as it gives me valuable experience from IT field and supports my personal growth.

Having both a buddy and a mentor is priceless!

What sealed my decision to join the program was the moment I heard that all the participants get their own buddy and a mentor, who support our personal and professional growth.

Buddy is my trusted friend, one of the younger lawyers from our team. We have open relationship and she helps me with practical issues and shares her experiences.

Discussions with my mentor are more career-oriented and goal-directed. Despite my mentor’s extensive experience, this is still my game. I am the one in charge and it is my job to pinpoint the areas where I need guidance.

All this feels great and gives me tools to grow as a professional. Having both a buddy and a mentor is priceless! I hope that the feeling is mutual, and they also benefit from our discussions.

A bunch of new information and best practices

Eagerness to know more and more is one of my key drivers. I´ve already joined common learning modules like Public Cloud and Azure. As a future lawyer, I also need to understand the business and the technologies we utilize.  

Also, Onboarding days, common calls and learning sessions have spiced up my days and given possibilities to meet other peers online from across Nordic countries. I am also eager to meet them face-to-face at some point when it’s possible during these exceptional times.

I have already learned a bunch of best practices with the support of both the Graduate Program and my own awesome team. For example, understanding what is worth doing and what is not would be difficult alone. I now know how legal works in a large international company and how can I best help our business in complex projects.

Even though I still have some big questions in my mind, I feel at peace. My gut feeling says that everything will go exactly as it should. The Graduate Program will truly be a unique experience that I will cherish in my memories for many years to come.

Sign up to Friends @TietoEVRY and apply among the first ones for our soon opening tracks for Graduate Program 2021! 

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Jenna Lammi
Legal Trainee

Soon-to-be graduating law student Jenna Lammi says that she will be embracing the Graduate Program for a long time as it provides unique opportunities to reflect and learn with experienced colleagues and peers.  Jenna is completing her master's degree in law at the University of Turku and specializing in intellectual property rights and other regulation of information.


Jenna Lammi

Legal Trainee

Graduate program 2021

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