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Building inspection of a digital twin in virtual reality (VR)

The immersive VR solution supported our colleagues in the Czech Republic to visualize, inspect and present the final building.

Helmut Krämer

XR Evangelist

The challenge

Tietoevry Czechia s.r.o. plans to expand their workspace by building a brand-new office complex. But it has been proven challenging for stakeholders to visualize the final product since 2D blueprints and computer-aided design (CAD) models have limitations in conveying a true sense of scale and spatial relationships.

The solution

The solution has been to build a virtual reality (VR) application which uses the VR headset Valve Index to display a digital version of the whole building including all rooms, their furniture as well as their equipment. The user can freely navigate on and between the different floors and because of the VR headset it’s possible to look and rotate around like in real life. This solution also allows stakeholders to get a realistic sense of the final product, making it easier to identify potential issues, make informed decisions, and ensure that the building meets their needs and expectations.

About the customer

Tietoevry Czechia s.r.o. is part of a global network of Tietoevry subsidiaries that enables the company to access a wide range of resources and expertise.

Easily visualize the actual size of the building, the location of rooms, and the workstation distribution of employees.

Improved visualization

Easily visualize the actual size of the building, the location of rooms, and the workstation distribution of employees.

All stakeholders, regardless of their physical abilities or current location can visit the planned building with a VR headset.

Accessibility and remote networking

All stakeholders, regardless of their physical abilities or current location can visit the planned building with a VR headset.

Streamline the building design process, early identification of potential problems, reduce costs and improve decision-making by inspecting the building before the actual construction work starts.

Optimized workflows

Streamline the building design process, early identification of potential problems, reduce costs and improve decision-making by inspecting the building before the actual construction work starts.

Building inspection of a digital twin in virtual reality (VR)

Additional Information

  • Collaborate more efficiently with architects, engineers, and other stakeholders by showing them the finished building in their early stages. This greatly reduces the risk of errors and delays.
  • Include employees in the planning process by showing them the digital twin of their future workplace early to avoid potential seating, furnishing and equipment problems.
  • Allow clients to experience the digital building in an immersive and interactive way to improve their perception of the company.

Thanks to the VR solution, it was possible to experience the planned building in a way that was never possible before.

Marek Kurc

Facility Manager, Tietoevry Czechia s.r.o.

Tietoevry building inspection of a digital twin in virtual reality (VR).

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