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Three-year sustainability plan delivered with good results

Published: 04 March 2020

TietoEVRY Corporation has published its Annual Report for 1 January–31 December 2019. The report, including the Report by the Board of Directors, Financial Statements and the Corporate Governance Statement, is available on the company’s website. The Corporate Governance Statement has been prepared in accordance with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code. The report also outlines the highlights of the three-year sustainability plan and related targets reported in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards option Core.

Tieto’s Sustainability Report 2019 is integrated into the TietoEVRY Annual Report. The report outlines Tieto’s recent sustainability performance as measured against the targets the company set out three years ago as part of its Sustainability 2020 plan. That plan, now concluded, emphasized the company’s efforts to minimize its environmental impact, create value for all stakeholders and act as an ethical forerunner.

Among the sustainability highlights, the company reports an aggregated reduction of 53% in CO2 emissions from indirect energy consumption over the 2017-2019 period. During 2019, we also increased our CO2 handprint. Through the use of our digital transaction services, customers were able to reduce their CO2 emissions: the amount of avoided emissions grew to 78 kton (76 kton in 2018). Furthermore, the company continued to apply new technologies and develop solutions to improve everyday life of citizens. Examples of such initiatives include using Artificial Intelligence to improve traffic safety as well as speed up brain disease research.

“At TietoEVRY we want to be active contributors to societal issues and think that climate challenge should be on top of everyone’s agenda.  We support sustainable development in our societies through own operations, advancing ethical use of technology as well as minimizing our environmental footprint, but also through developing solutions that have positive impact on the society. Together with our customers and partners, we’re innovating and finding new ways to offset emissions and foster sustainable new businesses. Now it is time to build on the learnings and the progress made during the three-year Sustainability plan as we now create a new sustainability strategy for the combined TietoEVRY,” says Kia Haring, Head of Communications and Sustainability at TietoEVRY.

The combined Annual Report 2019 is available at 

For further information, please contact:

Tanja Lounevirta, Head of Financial Communications, tel. +358 50 321 7510, tanja.lounevirta (at)

Kia Haring, Head of Communications and Sustainability, tel. +358 40 765 3700, kia.haring (at)

TietoEVRY Corporation


NASDAQ Helsinki

Oslo Børs

Principal Media

TietoEVRY creates digital advantage for businesses and society. We are a leading digital services and software company with local presence and global capabilities. Our Nordic values and heritage steer our success.

Headquartered in Finland, TietoEVRY employs around 24 000 experts globally. The company serves thousands of enterprise and public sector customers in more than 90 countries. TietoEVRY’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and its shares are listed on the NASDAQ in Helsinki and Stockholm as well as on the Oslo Børs.

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