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EVRY ASA: Conditional share transfer between Lyngen Holding and Solidium

Published: 19 June 2019

19 June 2019, EVRY’s largest shareholder, Funds advised by Apax Partners LLP, acting through the company Lyngen Holdco S.A.R.L. (“Apax”) has today conditionally committed to sell approximately 4.4 million TietoEVRY shares to Solidium, who holds 10% of the shares in Tieto. The sale and purchase contemplated is conditional, among other, upon the completion of the cross-border merger of Tieto and EVRY announced on 18 June 2019 and includes customary conditions precedent. 

Apax' shareholding in EVRY is currently approximately 54.32%, which will be converted into shares in TietoEVRY after completion of the merger of Tieto and EVRY. If the share sale and purchase between Solidium and Apax is completed, Apax' shareholding in TietoEVRY will be approximately 16.7%. 

Apax is represented on the board of directors of EVRY through board members Salim Nathoo, Rohan Haldea and Louise Sondergaard, and is thus a primary insider of EVRY under the Norwegian Securities Act section 4-2(1).  

EVRY has published more detailed information about the merger yesterday 18 June 2019. 

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