04 January 2019
(Oslo, 4 January 2019) Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from January 26, 2018, where the Board of Directors of EVRY ASA approved the long-term incentive and share option program for EVRY ASA. The following primary insiders have been allotted conditional share options as follows:
Per Kristian Hove, CEO has been granted 345 070 conditional options,
following which Per Kristian Hove holds in total 356 869 shares and 428 540 options in EVRY;
Henrik Schibler (Group CFO) has been granted 321 187 conditional options,
following which Henrik Schibler holds in total 803 358 shares and 501 835 options in EVRY;
Wiljar Nesse (EVP Financial Services) has been granted 116 197 conditional options,
following which Wiljar Nesse holds in total 1 231 157 shares and 193 140 options in EVRY;
Bengt-Göran Kangas (Acting Head of BA Sweden) has been granted 56 762 conditional options,
following which Bengt-Göran Kangas holds in total 47 600 shares and 112 964 options in EVRY;
Christian Pedersen (Acting Head of BA Norway) has been granted 70 423 conditional options,
following which Christian Pedersen holds in total 0 shares and 107 023 options in EVRY;
Robert Darre-Nilsen (Acting Head of DPS) has been granted 26 408 conditional options,
following which Robert Darre-Nilsen holds in total 18 584 shares and 46 028 options in EVRY;
Daniel Nordstad Grönquist (EVP Strategy) has been granted 62 077 conditional options,
following which Daniel Nordstad Grönquist holds in total 0 shares and 115 759 options in EVRY;
Asta Ellingsen Stenhagen (EVP Legal and risk) has been granted 49 296 conditional options,
following which Asta Ellingsen Stenhagen controls in total 38 123 shares and 66 481 options in EVRY;
Malin Fors-Skjæveland (EVP Sales Excellence) has been granted 70 423 conditional options,
following which Malin Fors-Skjæveland holds in total 0 shares and 70 423 options in EVRY;
Unni Strømstad (EVP Communications and Marketing) has been granted 48 676 conditional options,
following which Unni Strømstad holds in total 0 shares and 92 866 options in EVRY;
Trond Vinje (EVP HR) has been granted 66 901 conditional options, following
which Trond Vinje holds in total 215 000 shares and 120 426 options in EVRY;
Each share option gives the right, provided certain conditions are met, to subscribe for and be allotted one (1) share in the Company at an exercise price equal to the par value of the shares in EVRY (currently NOK 1.75 per share).
Exercise of vested share options is conditional upon the fair market value of the shares in EVRY being equal to or higher than the fair market value of the shares at the time of grant of the share options. The conditional options shall vest 1/3 1 year after allotment, additionally 1/3 after 2 years and then the remaining 1/3 after 3 years. Unvested options expire after 7 years. There will be a 12 months lock in period for shares received upon exercise of vested share options.
Total outstanding options in EVRY as of today are 4 346 697.
Pursuant to the Norwegian Public Limited Companies act section 6-16a, the share option program shall be approved by the general meeting of EVRY.
For investor enquiries:
Frank Stangnes, Head of Group Treasury and Investor Relations, +47 47453275
For media enquiries:
Unni Strømstad, EVP Communications and Marketing Tel: (+47) 97753453