Tieto joins European AI Alliance to shape the era of artificial intelligence
Published: 09 October 2018
Tieto announced today that it is one the first Nordic companies to join the European AI Alliance, a newly-formed forum for artificial intelligence (AI) stakeholders to come together to push European competitiveness on AI research and development and its impacts on industry and society.
The AI Alliance, established by the European Commission, brings together a diverse set of leading AI actors, including companies, consumer organizations, trade unions and other representatives of civil society bodies across Europe to share best practices. The AI Alliance aims to directly contribute to the European debate on AI and impact the Commission’s AI policy-making.
To achieve that, the AI Alliance works in close collaboration with the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), a group the Commission has also established, with 52 members from academia, business and civil society such as Bayer, BMW, Bosch, Fraunhofer Institute, Google, IBM, Nokia, Siemens, Telenor and University of Oxford. The AI HLEG advises the Commission on AI’s opportunities and challenges, and supports it in the implementation of the European strategy on AI. The AI HLEGwill also prepare AI ethics guidelines covering issues such as fairness, safety and transparency as well as the impact on our fundamental rights, including privacy, dignity and consumer protection.
The AI Alliance will complement and support the work of the AI HLEG in particular in preparing AI ethics guidelines, and ensuring Europe’s competitiveness in AI. Tieto and other members of the AI Alliance can provide direct feedback on specific questions and draft documents prepared by the AI HLEG.
“As one of the first Nordic companies involved in the AI Alliance, this is a great opportunity for Tieto to facilitate the development of artificial intelligence in Europe. We are excited to join forces with other AI Alliance members to foster AI innovation while also ensuring the highest ethical and sustainability standards in the development of AI. We will work alongside other leading members to build strategies that accelerate AI research and industrial applications,” says Dr. Christian Guttmann, Vice President, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Tieto.
“As a Nordic leader in AI, we have already established a Tieto wide AI ethics certificate and are already recruiting new talent in this area, including AI ethics and transparency engineers and AI Trainers to teach our AI systems,” Guttmann continues.
AI and advanced data analytics are an integral part of Tieto’s vision for future growth and success, and Tieto has recently developed several innovative AI and data-driven projects, including the trial with the City of Espoo. Tieto will have six representatives in the AI Alliance, each with deep scientific and industrial experience in AI, including AI’s sub-categories such as machine learning, deep learning, multi-agent systems, knowledge representation, machine perception and AI ethics.
For additional information, please contact:
Tieto AI team, ai@tieto.com
Tieto Newsdesk, news@tieto.com, +358 40 570 4072
About Tieto
Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems. www.tieto.com