07 December 2020
In 2018, a former Tieto Latvia SIA employee was convicted for bribery in Belarus. The case concerned the person as an individual, not the company. In May 2019 the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) initiated an investigation in Latvia concerning the possible responsibility of Tieto Latvia SIA as a company.
TietoEVRY has 3 December 2020 received official information that KNAB has now completed the investigation and the case has been assigned to the prosecutor. TietoEVRY has followed the investigation and has actively cooperated with the authorities. As we will get more information, we will keep all our stakeholders informed on any further developments.
TietoEVRY has zero tolerance towards any unethical behavior or misconduct in its operations and requires all employees worldwide as well as suppliers and their subcontractors to comply with the national legislation and the principles set out in the company’s ethical guidelines, Code of Conduct. TietoEVRY’s Code of Conduct is in accordance with the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We take violations against our Code of Conduct very seriously and have taken corrective actions in Latvia and Belarus to ensure that this does not reoccur in the future.
More information:
Kia Haring, Head of Global Communications and Sustainability, kia.haring[at]tietoevry.com, +358 40 765 3700