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Swedish wood products exporter Högland aims at new efficiencies with Tieto's wood supply solution

15 March 2018

Högland Såg & Hyvleri, a Swedish sawmill and wood processing company, adopts Tieto's forestry system TIFF (Tieto Integrated Fibre Flow) to meet future efficiency and agility demands.

The family-owned sawmill and wood processing company Högland Såg & Hyvleri in mid-Norrland in Sweden has signed an agreement with Tieto to replace its present wood supply system with Tieto's TIFF. Högland exports the majority of its annual quarter-million cubic metres output of highly customised wood products to Europe, North Africa and Asia.

TIFF, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, optimises wood and fibre supply operations with a comprehensive set of industry-specific modules that digitalise the processes from contract signing to invoicing and from harvesting to mill delivery.

"Tieto is an active and knowledgeable player in the industry, and approaches the fibre value chain in a modern way", says David Marcusson, CEO, Högland.

Mr Marcusson also cites the solution's easy usability and navigation as one of the selection criteria, as well as the SaaS delivery model, which not only provides scalability, but also removes the need for Högland to operate its own server environment.

TIFF introduces new business intelligence tools that improve interactions with forest owners and timber suppliers. Productivity-boosting benefits include traceable logistics, greater mobility, consolidation of stocks, real-time communication and automated work processes.

Mats Lidström, Customer Executive, Tieto, looks forward to the new long-term collaboration with Högland.

"We are very pleased that Högland has chosen TIFF to deliver new efficiencies in their fibre value chain far into the future."

The modernisation will simplify Högland's operations from purchasing, contracting and felling all the way to customer delivery.

Read more about Tieto’s forestry system TIFF and how it benefits the wood supply industry.

For more information, please contact:

Jaakko Kuusisaari, Head of Wood & Fibre, Tieto

Mats Lidström, Customer Executive, Tieto

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