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Eleonora Georgieva: Embracing diversity and leading with expertise

Discover the inspiring journey of Eleonora who started as a Junior Java Developer and today is the Global VP of Delivery in MentorMate, Tietoevry Create.

Eleonora Georgieva / November 01, 2023
Learn more about Tietoevry Create

Eleonora manages the Delivery Management department and has the role of Director of Compliance and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

How do such diverse responsibilities combine in one person, and what was Eleonora’s path to this? Let's find out in more detail:

- My interest in technology started with my interest in math and science. Being very good at mathematics at school, it was a logical next step to continue my education in engineering. I studied at the Technical University in Sofia and earned a master’s degree in computer science. I started working in an IT company while studying at the university. This helped me a lot to gain more practical experience in the real world. My first passion was software engineering, specifically, learning and excelling in the Java language, shares Eleonora.

Many development opportunities

When Eleonora joined MentorMate 14 years ago, she started as a Junior Java Developer. Being in the company for many years, she has had the chance to be in different roles and positions and to participate in building the biggest native mobile development team in Bulgaria with focus on Android.

- When the era of the smartphones came, I was curious to learn more about how mobile devices can change our lives. I have started learning and writing native Android applications for Android Beta version. This is the first Android version that was shared with developers. Seeing that smart devices are going to be the future in IT, I focused on mastering my knowledge of Android development. Relying on my technical and soft skills, being part of an international company that serves the US market, I had the opportunity to work on fascinating mobile applications that shaped the way of using smart mobile devices and Internet of Things, says Eleonora.

In that period, Eleonora also started leading projects from the engineering perspective and leading people as a manager.

- Being an engineer, it has never been a challenge for me to lead software engineers. With the experience that I gained working with many clients and specializing within the healthcare domain, I took the role of Director of Compliance. The maturity of all internal company processes and policies is very important and I’m currently responsible for the overall standards, policies, and processes in MentorMate, continues Eleonora.

Diversity and flexibility are the main inspirations

Combining the roles of Director of Compliance and CISO, Eleonora oversees all processes in the company, starting from the internal management and policies of MentorMate, going through security requirements, and, finally, defining how the company delivers work for its clients. Her work touches many aspects of the business, and she works with all the departments and practices in MentorMate. Eleonora explains that the main inspirations for her work lie in diversity and flexibility.

- In this position, there are opportunities to learn, adapt, be creative, and influence change for continuous improvement within the organization. In my role as head of Delivery, I use my knowledge of the company integrated with my engineering background to deliver high-quality solutions to the MentorMate clients. I can work with different people both from the company and the client. What motivates me in my work is the knowledge that my efforts can positively impact someone, whether it's a colleague, client, or end software user, says Eleonora.

40% female workforce

Eleonora believes that the biggest myth in IT is that women are not good engineers because they don’t have the same level of logical thinking as men. Overcoming this misconception is crucial in her opinion. Considered one of the leading Android developers in Europe at one time, she firmly stands by the principle of never judging people based on gender, race, religion, location, etc. What matters most for her are the person’s skills, both professional and engineering competencies, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and openness. Respect, trust, and results are equally important for everybody in the world of business. Different viewpoints, empathy, and focus on details contribute to the productivity of teams, resulting in high-quality outcomes for businesses, companies, and clients. Besides, MentorMate boasts a 40% female workforce, highlighting the proven benefits of diverse teams.

Balancing her professional interests and career development, Eleonora loves travelling and exploring new places and cultures. She recalls that many years ago, one of her first managers asked her about her career aspirations for the next five years. Her response was - to embrace positive change and enjoy what she does. Fifteen years later, this perspective remains largely unchanged. Currently, MentorMate is going through an interesting and challenging project of integration into Tietoevry Create. Being a part of this project will undoubtedly become one of Eleonora’s next career milestones.


Eleonora Georgieva
Global VP of Delivery at MentorMate


Eleonora Georgieva

Global VP of Delivery at MentorMate

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