After successful pilot tests of AI tool: The Digital Twin against bullying to be widely launched
There is a great need for more systematized safety work. The pilot schools' positive feedback on the Digital Twin proves that this is a tool that is both needed and makes a difference.
Safety and well-being are on top of the agenda for most schools in Sweden. Unfortunately, many children still feel unsafe at school and far too many kids are still harassed and bullied.
Together with Friends and Örebro University, Tietoevry has developed an AI project, the digital twin against bullying, with the aim of counteracting bullying and increasing safety, regardless of what school or class you attend.
Now it is time for the project to exit a successful pilot test phase and be introduced on a broad front. The focus of the pilot test has been to develop sharp digital surveys for students and school staff that will provide a basis for advanced AI analyses of well-being in schools – analyses that form the basis for tailor-made action proposals on how the school can improve its safety work.
Positive feedback from pilot schools
School personnel and pupils in Stockholm, Småland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland, among other places, confirm that the new tool has facilitated, developed and improved the schools’ safety work – despite the fact that the project has not even left the start-up phase. Recommended measures such as student council training, more organized recess activities and changed classroom environments have changed the school environment for the better.
Integration of digital tools
For the development team at Tietoevry, the work of developing and testing the actual digital twin now continues with a mix of digital tools such as Cloud, Neo4j, AI (ChatGPT/LLM) and SurveyJS.
The vision of the digital twin against bullying is real-time updated copies of school classes that are used to generate, analyze and evaluate the effect of different measures on well-being. By collecting survey responses, expertise from Friends and Örebro University, as well as quantifiable data such as socio-economic factors, the digital twin will provide an in-depth basis for further analyses and tailored action proposals.
The digital twin can act as a recommendation engine by providing action proposals that have been evaluated from previous cases and worked well for other schools with similar conditions and safety issues.
Vital alarm function
Another important – sometimes even vital – function that the digital twin against bullying can fulfill is to sound an alarm if an incoming survey response deviates strongly. This provides the conditions for direct action if there is a risk of harm to someone. The fact that this function is based on a watertight system of confidentiality and the processing of sensitive information is of paramount importance, and in these particular cases identification is carried out without the risk of any further person being identified.
There is a great need for more systematized safety work. The pilot schools' positive feedback has also been proof that this is a tool that is both needed and makes a difference. Now it's time to leave the pilot test phase and introduce the tool on a broad front – to continue to promote equal conditions for well-being at school.
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Michael has worked with telecommunications and IoT for many years and has extensive experience of how customers can use IoT to create value & accelerate the digital transformation in both industry and public sector. He is deeply engaged in new IoT-related tools, such as advanced 5G services, Private Networks, AI/MA and edge computing, etc. Michael has also worked extensively with IoT for utilities and Smart Cities. He has a deep interest in the digital transformation of the energy and public sectors as a key enabler for a sustainable future