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My graduate experience with a mentor for support and inclusion

“My mentor was available to me every time I had a question and showed great interest in me learning and understanding the work."

Vegard Valvik / December 07, 2020

To start in a big company right after finishing studies can be overwhelming. When Vegard Valvik started here, freshly graduated from the university, Kjell Randa was assigned as his mentor. That made Vegard’s first job easier than he thought it would be.

Vegard is a consultant in application innovation. He usually works with upgrading and maintenance of monitoring of uptime and customer support in parts of Equinor's application portfolio.

“My work tasks vary a lot, but something I always need is to keep myself updated on current issues. That can be users that need help, or a new version of an application I have the responsibility for.”

Mentor program

When Vegard had finished his bachelor’s degree in information technology, he searched for positions at TietoEVRY. Two interesting roles popped up: one for the position of a developer and another for the position he holds today.

Some months before he was finished writing his bachelor’s degree, he participated in a careers day at TietoEVRY. This gave him a good impression of the company, and therefore led him to apply for both positions. Initially, Vegard favored most the developer role, but the leader of the department managed to convince him about the fit and merits of the consultant role, which Vegard ended up accepting. He hasn’t looked back.

“After the career day I got the impression that TietoEVRY had a good social environment and many competent and knowledgeable employees, something I find important,” says Vegard. “I also learned that there are great opportunities to move internally to other departments with other tasks. Even though I ended up in a different position than I had initially wanted, I have not regretted for a second that it was this job I accepted. Varied work tasks and a pleasant environment and colleagues help to ensure that.”

When Vegard started working with us for around two year ago, he especially appreciated that he was assigned a mentor who he could learn a little extra from.

“Kjell was available to me every time I had a question and showed great interest in me learning and understanding the work. I'm incredibly glad I had someone who helped me figure out what qualities I have that add knowledge to the company. Especially in times like these, when most new employees start at home offices, I think it is a particularly great advantage to have a person you can turn to.”

Kjell is an experienced professional but it was his first time being a mentor when Vegard joined the company.

“To be a mentor was exciting and rewarding. Even though I have worked here for many years, I have never had similar tasks. I think it went beyond all expectations. I learned a lot from it and think it was an honor to be a mentor. Therefore I would of course agree to be a mentor several times if the opportunity arises,” Kjell says.

The Graduates program shaped great opportunities and big network

From day one, Vegard felt welcomed. Through the Graduate and the mentor program, he quickly formed a good network and got to know other colleagues from other departments and offices. Within a few months after he started, he also had the opportunity to take part in a large project that he still remembers well.

“In this project I joined Kjell and another department for a handover on a big integration system for Equinor. It is a very complex system that a lot of people in Equinor depend on. This project has been a learning curve for me because I had to familiarize myself with the professional part of the application as well as learn the operating part of it.”

Possibilities that make it easy to create a good social and working environment

One of the most important reasons why Vegard likes it here is the environment and unity. Vegard thinks it is important that there is a focus on the social environment at work.

“I think TietoEVRY is great when it comes to a social environment at work. There are many groups here that meet for a joint activity – nowadays it is mostly digital, but we hope to meet again soon. The fact that TietoEVRY provides an opportunity for such initiatives to take place makes it easy to get to know colleagues in other departments and helps to create a very good environment in the workplace.”

After two year in the company Vegard is still as happy as he was when he first started and has no plans on leaving the company any time soon.

“Even for me who has a position with such specific areas of responsibility, there are good opportunities to develop and learn a lot of new things. There are always new and exciting things ahead. I feel very lucky that I get the opportunity to work with so many talented people. Therefore, I am very much looking forward to continuing this adventure.”


The recruitment for the graduate program in Norway, Sweden and Finland has started - Apply now!

Vegard Valvik

Vegard is a Consultant in Application Innovation in Bergen, where he works with management of petro-technical applications for Equinor. He graduated from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences with a BSc in Information Technologies. Besides work, he competes in powerlifting and enjoys hiking in local nature.


Vegard Valvik


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