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We take pride in diversity and equality

Being true to yourself is something to be proud of.

Tietoevry at your service / June 25, 2019

When building diversity and equality into your workplace, you're sending a power message to your customers and employees: Being true to yourself is something to be proud of.

Pride Month has now evolved into a global movement of awareness and positive attitude – an inspiration to fight discrimination and prejudice in the world. Companies are also realizing that joining the Pride movement should be more than a bandwagon you jump on and off, or a colorful sticker you remove at the end of June. Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace should be a year-round event.

When you look beyond person’s race, gender, religion or political opinion, you give people an opportunity to grow and flourish in the workplace. You create an environment, where people don’t need to waste energy and creativity on hiding who they are or feeling ashamed. Being true to yourself enables you to be fully engaged to drive the goals of the entire company. The more diverse and inclusive a workplace is, the better the organization can also lure top talent to gain the competitive edge. And as the studies show, there is a definite link between diversity and a company’s financial performance.

#1 in gender equality

Tieto is operating in an industry, which has been male dominant for years, and it is still a fact that women are harder to attract to work in IT. Hence, during the past years, a lot of effort has been put in Tieto to lift the importance of an equal working culture. We are also proud to say that we were recently ranked the best technology company in the world for gender equality by Equileap.

But the work doesn’t stop here. Within Tieto, we have jointly set a cultural ambition describing which behaviors we want to leave behind and what behaviors we want to see going forward. If we want true diversity, equality and inclusion at our workplaces, we need to walk the walk, not just talk about it. I personally promise to work actively on removing any barriers of change in Tieto and help people to unleash their full potential.

Step by step, we are on a right track in building a better work place for everyone.

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Tieto is collaborating with Pride Helsinki as a Theme partner of the event, read more about the collaboration here. 

Want to follow our journey? Follow us on instagram! 


Tietoevry at your service

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