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Commercial Cards

A profitable business area for banks and a value-added service for corporate customers

Why use commercial cards?

Commercial cards, also known as corporate cards, are becoming an increasingly popular tool for managing business expenses. These cards are designed for corporate companies and organizations to make purchases, pay bills, and manage expenses in a managed manner. Commercial cards come with a range of benefits and features tailored to the needs of commercial customers. From increased control and visibility over spending to improved cash flow and rewards programs, commercial cards offer a range of advantages that can help companies save time and money.

Commercial cards can help issuers tap into new customer segments and revenue streams, potentially expanding their business in the B2B segment and driving growth.

Valdis Janovs

Head of Instant, Retail Payments and Cards

Ranging from Business cards to Purchasing cards, Lodge cards, and Commercial cards in any of its forms – physical, virtual or wallets.

Varied business propositions

Ranging from Business cards to Purchasing cards, Lodge cards, and Commercial cards in any of its forms – physical, virtual or wallets.

Replicate company structure in card management and support of hierarchical financial accounting while incorporating corporate client's expense policy.

Multi-level hierarchy structure

Replicate company structure in card management and support of hierarchical financial accounting while incorporating corporate client's expense policy.

Reporting includes ancillary addendums. Integration with ERP systems and data export to payment schemes - MasterCard SmartData and Visa InelliLink.

Customized reporting

Reporting includes ancillary addendums. Integration with ERP systems and data export to payment schemes - MasterCard SmartData and Visa InelliLink.

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