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Buy Now, Pay Later

Get most of your customer portfolio by introducing BNPL. BNPL is here to stay.

Flexible Payment Options with BNPL

Buy now pay later (BNPL) allows customers to make purchases and pay for them in installments over time, rather than paying the total amount upfront or sourcing a credit. With this solution, you can provide your customers with a seamless and easy-to-use BNPL experience, allowing them to split their payments into smaller, more manageable installments. Our platform is fully customizable, so you can tailor the payment options to meet the specific needs of your customers and business. 

With our platform, you can easily integrate BNPL options into your existing card products or provided as a stand-alone service. Not only does this improve the customer experience and increase satisfaction, but it can also help you attract new customers and drive more revenue. 

Valdis Janovs

Head of Instant, Retail Payments and Cards

Possibility for a cardholder to mark authorization, for which the following transaction would be split into installments.

Customer-initiated installments

Possibility for a cardholder to mark authorization, for which the following transaction would be split into installments.

Automatically created installment contracts based on some rules and transaction characteristics such as amount, transaction type, specific merchant or MCC, etc.

Automatic installments

Automatically created installment contracts based on some rules and transaction characteristics such as amount, transaction type, specific merchant or MCC, etc.

Instalment plans agreed upon during purchase and support of international card organization installment programs for issuers.

Point of sale installments

Instalment plans agreed upon during purchase and support of international card organization installment programs for issuers.

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