E.ON has chosen Tieto Smart Utility for collection of meter values in Sweden
Published: 12 June 2017
The energy company E.ON has chosen Tieto Smart Utility to support their distribution operations for the collection of meter values including field services for the Skåne area in Sweden with approximately 150,000 meters. Thanks to the new services, E.ON can continue to offer state of the art solutions with a high degree of automation for their customers. The initial contract duration is 3 years with an option for additional years.
Tieto Smart Utility optimizes the energy distribution company’s core business activities in collection of meter values and helps E.ON to be future proof in a changing market with increased automation and reduced costs.
"The Swedish energy market is facing a massive change. The implementation of Tieto Smart Utility will help us to reach efficiency and standardization in collection of meter values including operation of field services to serve our customers in the best possible way", says Robert Tretinjak, Head of 2:nd Generation Smart Metering Program at E.ON.
"Tieto is already an existing provider of energy & utility services to E.ON and we see this as the next step in extending our long-term co-operation. Our highly standardized IT solutions and services complemented by a strong technology platform create benefits and increased quality for the customer", says Olof Ferenius, Head of Energy Utilities, Tieto.
Tieto Smart Utility is a modular software as a service (SaaS) solution designed for energy retail, distribution and multi-utility companies. The system addresses the requirements stemming from present and forthcoming regulation of electricity markets, such as Nordic process harmonization and datahub integrations. The scalable cloud service also fulfil strict data security requirements by utilizing Tieto's Nordic data centres.
For further information, please contact:
Olof Ferenius, Head of Energy Utilities, Tieto
phone: +46 7066 16791 email: olof.ferenius[at]tieto.com
Robert Tretinjak, Head of 2:nd Generation Smart Metering Program , E.ON Elnät AB
phone: +46 703 721 122, email: robert.tretinjak[at]eon.com
Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems. www.tieto.com
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