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Tietoevry India Covid-19 response

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06 May 2021

A message from our Country Manager

The Covid-19 situation in India is constantly evolving. This crisis, which is unprecedented in nature and scale, is presenting newer challenges every day. We, at Tietoevry India, are keeping a close watch on the developments to ensure that we respond proactively and rapidly and take all necessary actions to protect the health and safety of our people, while maintaining business continuity.

First and foremost, on behalf of the whole Tietoevry India family, I want to express our immense gratitude to all the healthcare and frontline workers, who are selflessly and tirelessly making efforts to assist the people in need. We applaud these real heroes who are helping us all fight this pandemic at a huge risk to their own health and lives.

I am extremely proud of the high resilience and commitment our employees in India have demonstrated in meeting the pandemic challenges. I am thankful to each and every one of our people, who are diligently adhering to our business continuity plan and continuing to provide high-quality support to our customers. Your professionalism, during these times of immense personal challenges and uncertainty, and the sincere efforts you are putting in, are remarkable.

We are thankful to our customers too for their understanding and ongoing support. We value your co-operation and assure you of our best efforts to get through these difficult times.

Since beginning of last year, when the pandemic hit us, we have been taking necessary actions to curb the spread of the virus and minimize its impact on our people and our operations. Our support measures range from raising awareness for Covid-19 prevention, enabling remote-work environment, upgrading medical insurance coverage, providing vaccination sponsorship to conducting regular health talks and employee wellness sessions for our workforce. More information on the various measures we have put in place to support our people, customers, and our communities can be found here.

We are all in this together. Let us all continue to support each other and take all precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe.


Rajnish Mohan

Country Manager, Tietoevry India


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