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Gauri Kacherikar on Brainz Magazine's CREA Global Awards List 2021

Published: 04 May 2021







Gauri Kacherikar, Head of Public, Customer Experience India team from Business Applications, Digital Consulting services, has been selected to feature in Brainz Magazine’s CREA Global Awards List 2021, a prestigious list of honorees recognized for their creative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their work with sustainability or mental health. Brainz Magazine is a digital media brand, with a focus on interviews, articles and information about business, mindset, innovation, leadership and lifestyles. Their mission is to feature appealing stories of interest that will inspire and empower.

Gauri has also been invited to contribute as a Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor and with this she will join the magazine’s community of influential leaders, top entrepreneurs, expert coaches and industry leaders who are handpicked because of their knowledge and valuable insights within their area of expertise.

Hearty congratulations to Gauri for this recgnition! We will look forward to reading the articles.

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