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QUEST, TietoEVRY India’s technical white paper contest, draws enthusiastic participation from employees

Published: 25 November 2020

QUEST is a ‘Technical White Paper Contest’ hosted at TietoEVRY India by an enthusiastic and passionate group of technology professionals who form the internal ‘Ambassadors Network’ community. The contest was started in the year 2015 with the objective of providing a platform for TietoEVRY employees to express and showcase new, ‘out of the box’ ideas that are workable and lend themselves to practical implementation. With the 2020 event, this initiative completed its 5th edition of inspiring a forward-thinking approach and celebrating a culture of innovation.

In keeping with our new ways of working during the COVID-19 pandemic, QUEST 2020 took place as a digital event conducted over two months from October 1 to November 25, 2020. It turned out to be a hugely successful event, which drew enthusiastic participation from TietoEVRY India employees across the three locations in India – Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Pune.

With over 140+ Participants, 82 Author Intent forms and 65 Final papers, the 2020 event broke its earlier participation record. The submissions revolved around an array of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Big Data, DevOps, Internet of Things and how these can be harnessed for smart, goal-oriented and humane business discussions around a wide range of solution areas. 31 white papers were short listed for the final presentation round before a jury panel for evaluation on various parameters including uniqueness, ease of use, relevance, importance, and impact.

The top three winning teams at the country level were:

Winners: Pranav Bahulekar, Mukund Thonge, Ashish Khare for their paper on “Mechanism to enable an empathetic decision-making channel within a software product ecosystem

1st Runners-up: Heena Ruparel, Rajesh Kavthekar and Poonam Jain for their paper “Plan for the skills you need today and tomorrow

2nd Runners-up: Skanda Vallishayee and Santhosh Srinivasa for their paper “OT driven pricing system to tackle growing delinquency in Auto loans & Equipment lending"  

Three top site-level teams (Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Pune) were also honored for their papers on “Role of AI & Bigdata in corporate communication and social marketing”, “Defining Data Driven Ways to Inspire High Performance” and “AI driven Smart ServiceDesk”.

More than the winning or losing, however, it was the spirit in which the competition was conducted and the enthusiasm and verve with which the employees across locations connected and collaborated, that made Quest 2020 a phenomenal virtual event.

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