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Card Platform Rationalisation

This white paper discusses why banks must rationalise their card platforms to ensure that they are fit for tomorrow’s competitive environment. By using using Software as a Service (SaaS) as the delivery model, banks can improve their speed to market and adapt rapidly to changing regulatory demands.


This white paper discusses why banks must rationalise their card platforms to ensure that they are fit for tomorrow’s competitive environment.

The global pandemic has accelerated the rush to digital finance – and with it, a raft of new regulatory demands are arriving. As banks compete to deliver new digital-first products and a better customer experience, they must not ignore the need to update outdated or inefficient infrastructure.TietoEVRY’s Hans Sjölund argues that using Software as a Service (SaaS) models to modernise payment card platforms represents one of the best opportunities to deliver flexible, efficient card services to market and respond to changing regulatory requirements.

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