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Tietoevry Care and Tietoevry Industry-Education participated successfully in the APGI 5.0 2023 conference as sponsors

Our Tietoevry experts shared insights around the theme ‘Agile in the New’ participating as speakers and panelists. Over 250 professionals enthusiastically participated in the two-day long conference.

Published: 13 April 2023

The two-day long APGI 2023 5.0 conference on 'Agile in the New' with Tietoevry Care and Tietoevry Industry - Education as Title and Lanyard sponsors came to an end

Tietoevry Care and Tietoevry Industry-Education participated successfully as Title and Lanyard Sponsors at the Agile Practitioners Group of India (APGI) 2023 5.0 conference on March 31 and April 1, 2023, held in Pune.

The 2023 conference theme was ‘Agile in the New’ and consisted of three tracks: Marvelous Agile, Humankind, and Machine. We saw enthusiastic participation from around 250 professionals from across industries and organizations.

Priya Tandon, Vice President at Tietoevry Care in Finland and Head of Operational Excellence, Tietoevry Care India, delivered an encouraging and relevant keynote address on 'The Phoenix Effect' highlighting how crucial it is for leaders to stay close to Gen Z workers and stay updated on emerging technologies.

Ashutosh Bhatnagar, Senior Product Development Manager, Tietoevry Care India and Pallavi Bhat, Head of Education, Tietoevry Industry, India took part in panel discussions along with fellow agile enthusiasts.

Chaitanya Saravate, Product Development Manager, Tietoevry Industry; Aniket Khare-Product Development Manager, Tietoevry Care; Dharnendra Shah, Product Development Manager, Tietoevry Care and Yagneshkumar Tailor, Senior Software Architect – Security, Tietoevry Care were part of the track speaker sessions.

Fredrik Billstrom, Talent Development HR Manager, Tietoevry Care, Sweden motivated the audience by discussing how he manages to balance his passion for running with his work commitments.

Each of our experts delivered interesting ideas and insights while engaging the audience interactively in follow-up discussions and questions.

The Tietoevry booth gave us the opportunity to increase our visibility and showcase our products and their impact on the society, our ways of working, and our culture. We appreciate everyone who stopped by and spoke with us at our booth to find out more about Tietoevry Care and Tietoevry Industry - Education, two of our participating companies.

The conference was a huge success and brought together attendees from many business sectors to network with industry professionals, talk about agility in a changing world, and join the APGI network, the most active and self-organized Agile community.

Learn more about Tietoevry Care and Tietoevry Industry - Education here

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