Success stories
Explore through our customers how their work-life has been simplified, digitalized and improved together with us.
Generative AI assists in classifying customer feedback data in the wellbeing services county of Central Finland
Tietoevry Care
Generative AI pilot assists clinicians at New Children’s Hospital
Healthcare and welfare
Social and healthcare production management supports the creation of seamless services
Healthcare and welfare
The Lifecare Mobile Sampling mobile application has shortened response times and made laboratory on-call duty easier in Kainuu
Healthcare and welfare
AI research project aims to speed up diagnosis of rare diseases
Tietoevry Care
Lifecare customer information system supports the utilisation of social care data
Tietoevry Care
Timrå Municipality streamlines its case processing and improves service
Tietoevry Care
Artificial intelligence revolutionizes the diagnostics of rare diseases
Tietoevry Care
Uppsala University Hospital creates higher quality of care with a new digital tool
Tietoevry Care
The benchmarking service enables Finland’s top-level intensive care
Tietoevry Care
A strong collaboration network gives wings to health and social care development work
Tietoevry Care
Päijät-Sote: Close cooperation with clinicians keeps the patient information system connected to the daily life of healthcare