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API integrations

Unlock the value of data with open APIs and empower your business ecosystem with API Exchange Marketplace

Open API integration marketplace

We believe that sharing is caring. Through open APIs you can leverage data and capabilities of your business ecosystem, clients, partners, or service providers. That's why we want to unlock the value of data by creating a Nordic marketplace for APIs – and we want you to join us!

As more and more organizations have opened their APIs, marketplace platforms have emerged as a way to collect and find these. So why wait? Let's get together and build an API community that we all can benefit from.

TietoEVRY’s API Exchange Marketplace is an open platform for both producers and developers of APIs. This way, your organization can innovate without having to use too much of your own resources. You can also create your own applications using data from us or build on top of already existing applications.
Marianne Arveng

Head of Cross Services & Partner responsible

API Exchange marketplace empowers you to leverage the integration work already done.


API Exchange marketplace empowers you to leverage the integration work already done.

Take the role in your business ecosystem which distinct you from the others.

Increase competitiveness

Take the role in your business ecosystem which distinct you from the others.

An open platform for API producers and developers functions as a foundation for new innovations.

Enhance innovation

An open platform for API producers and developers functions as a foundation for new innovations.

How do APIs benefit you?

API for Industries

API Exchange Marketplace helps industries find solutions for new thinking with this through third-party applications

API for developers

Developers can easily find APIs to build upon, publish their applications on the marketplace fully-fledged, or as part of a building block in value creation.

API for third parties

Third parties will have the benefit of accessing our large existing pool of customers and platforms, as well as having a safe place to share their APIs.

Want to learn more about API Exchange marketplace?

As more and more organizations have opened their APIs, marketplace platforms have emerged as a way to collect and find these. So why wait? Let us get together and build an API community that we all can benefit from!

What exactly are APIs?

API is essentially a gateway that enables an application to talk to other applications and defines how that conversation takes place. It can also be described as a way of moving and adding value to data. 

Think about how you have been able to put filters on your camera phone’s pictures with an app. The creators of that app didn’t program in it how the camera represents or takes images. Instead they used an API that allowed them to access the pre-existing framework in your phone’s software. 

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