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Unlocking business potential with SAP using Artificial Intelligence

Become more efficient in supply chain by adopting AI and ML into your SAP landscape.

23.10.2024 / Stockholm, Sweden

SAP Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in action

Join us to learn how your organization can unlock business potential and become more efficient in supply chain by adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into your SAP landscape.

In this breakfast event you will learn:

  • Why are AI and ML important to adopt?
  • How to adopt AI into your business process in your SAP landscape?
  • When do you want to start?
  • Live demo! See how AI and ML can benefit your organization to become more efficient

Date: 23.10.2024 at 8.00 - 10.30 CET

Location: Tietoevry's office in Stockholm (Gustav III:s Boulevard 130, 169 74 Solna)


8.00 - 8.30
8.30 - 8.35
Welcome and introduction

Catharina Melander and Janne Sjögren from Tietoevry Tech Services

8.35 - 10.15
SAP AI and ML adoption approach & usage + demos

Demo 1 - ML scenario: Finished product quality defect prediction

Demo 2 - Generative AI scenario: Supplier evaluation ML and GenAI scenario

Paresh Kolte from Tietoevry Tech Services

10.15 - 10.30

Meet our SAP team

Catharina Melander
Head of SAP Sweden
Catharina's SAP career started over 30 years ago, and since then, she has been involved in various business areas such as applications, operations, and infrastructure.
Håkan Ahlberg
Solution Architect
Håkan is a senior SAP Solution Architect with more than 35 years of experience with SAP both as a consultant and in line roles.
Janne Sjögren
Head of Global SAP Business Development
Paresh Kolte
Head of SAP Offering Development

Contact us

Kari Pietiläinen

Head of SAP Global

Meet our SAP team

Catharina Melander

Head of SAP Sweden

Håkan Ahlberg

Solution Architect

Janne Sjögren

Head of Global SAP Business Development

Paresh Kolte

Head of SAP Offering Development

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