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Findwise i3 4.0.0-beta.2 Release Notes

Release date: August 16, 2024

Release Highlights

In version 4.0.0-beta.2, we are introducing additional updates to the i3 platform. However, this is still not a complete major release; only the second portion of planned features is being delivered. This portion includes the next round of crucial dependency upgrades, such as:

  • Spring Boot upgrade to version 3.2.8
  • Solr upgrade to version 9.6.1
In addition, the release addresses few bugs and issues present in previous versions. Minor improvements have been made to enhance overall performance and user experience. Additionally, security enhancements have been introduced to help safeguard your system against potential threats.
For more detailed information, please refer to the changelog below.



  • i3 Connect, Index, Process, Search, SEP are now running on Spring Boot version 3.2.8
  • i3 Index, Process, Search are now using Solr version 9.6.1

Bug fixes

  • [FP-1294] Fix norconex tests in connect after downgrade org.eclipse.jetty library
  • [FP-1276] It is possible to remove already running Feature


  • Removal of OpenSearch and Neo4j

Versions of key components

  • Java 17
  • Elasticsearch 8.13.2
  • Lucene 9.10.0
  • Apache Solr 9.6.1
  • MongoDB 4.4.29
  • Docker base image 17.0.12_7-jre-jammy




Connect Service 3.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1031] Upgrade Spring Boot in Connect to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1260] Replace embedded mongo with testcontainers in ITs, so that we test against the managed version of mongodb
  • [FP-1294] Fix norconex tests in connect after downgrade org.eclipse.jetty library
  • [FP-1275] Upgrade vulnerable java dependencies (before release 4.0-beta2)


Index Service 5.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0: [FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1002] Upgrade Spring Boot in Index & common services to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1017] Upgrade Spring Boot in Process to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1099] MR: Escape dollar signs in field names for mongodb
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3


Process Service 2.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0: [FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1017] Upgrade Spring Boot in Process to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3
  • [FP-1275] Upgrade vulnerable java dependencies (before release 4.0-beta2)


Search Service 3.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0: [FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1018] Upgrade Spring Boot in Search to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1216] MR: Add explanation to SearchHitConverter
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3


Search Editor Portal 3 4.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1019] Upgrade Spring Boot in SEP 3 to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1276] It is possible to remove already running Feature
  • [FP-1275] Upgrade vulnerable java dependencies (before release 4.0-beta2)


Reference 4.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0:[ FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-822] MR: Fix date_match_logdate error (expects non-existant z in date string)
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3


Parent 4.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0: [FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1002] Upgrade Spring Boot in Index & common services to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1018] Upgrade Spring Boot in Search to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3
  • [FP-1260] Replace embedded mongo with testcontainers in ITs, so that we test against the managed version of mongodb
  • [FP-1294] Fix norconex tests in connect after downgrade org.eclipse.jetty library
  • [FP-1275] Upgrade vulnerable java dependencies (before release 4.0-beta2) 
Application Parent 4.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1002] Upgrade Spring Boot in Index & common services to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1017] Upgrade Spring Boot in Process to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3
Commons 2.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1002] Upgrade Spring Boot in Index & common services to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1017] Upgrade Spring Boot in Process to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1018] Upgrade Spring Boot in Search to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8
  • [FP-1281] Remove opensearch and neo4j (precision search) from i3


Extras 2.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Solr for v 4.0: [FP-718] Upgrade Solr to the latest v. 9.6.1 
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8


Docker 2.0.0-beta2
  • Upgrade Spring Boot in i3 to the latest version: [FP-1020] Upgrade Spring Boot in Reference to the latest v. 3.2.8


Questions? Thoughts? Feedback? Please reach out to
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