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Nordic Cyber Resilience Report 2024

The report addresses the current state of cybersecurity within organizations across the Nordics focusing on the prevalence of cyberattacks, investments in cybersecurity measures, employee awareness, and organizational preparedness.

Nordic Cyber Resilience surveyed

Organizations investing more in cybersecurity as threats rise

More than half (54%) of the respondents surveyed* across Finland, Norway and Sweden report that their organization has experienced at least one cyberattack in the past year that caused serious disruption. Nearly nine out of ten (87%) anticipate the number of attacks to further increase in the coming years, yet only 32% feel very confident in their organization’s ability to detect and respond to incidents.

“While cyberattacks are seen to be increasing, only half of respondents signify their organization have a clear plan for how to handle them. Organizations that have faced cybersecurity attacks are understandably feeling most prepared for future threats and have confidence in their ability to detect them,” says Sigrun Hansen Bock, Head of Cybersecurity Services at Tietoevry Tech Services. ​

Read more in the summary of findings.

Sigrun Hansen Bock

Head of Cybersecurity Services

Read more about the key findings


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"Organization's ability to prevent and recover from cyber-attacks builds trust in an increasingly technology-dependent society. According to the survey, almost nine out of ten Finnish respondents expect cybercrime to increase. It's great to see that 75% say their organization has increased its investment in cybersecurity compared to a year ago," says Jari Pirhonen, Tietoevry Tech Services, Head of Security.

Suomalaisorganisaatiot vahvistavat varautumistaan kyberuhkiin (in Finnish)


Sigrun Hansen Bock_Tietoevry_ute_web.jpg

"Although Norwegian businesses and the public sector are increasingly aware of the threat, there is a need for more collaboration and greater ownership at senior management level to increase resilience to attacks on society's digital infrastructure," says Sigrun Hansen Bock, Director of Cyber Security at Tietoevry Tech Services.

6 av 10 sier de har opplevd alvorlige cyberangrep (in Norwegian)



"The results show once again that digital crime is a widespread societal problem. With our long experience of working with cybersecurity and as a major supplier to key societal actors, we want to contribute with insights that shed light on this important issue," says Oskar Ehrnström, Head of Security at Tietoevry Tech Services in Sweden.

Cyberbrottsligheten förväntas öka –vilja till samverkan för ökad motståndskraft (in Swedish)

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About the Nordic Resilience Report 2024

Tietoevry’s Nordic Cyber Resilience Report 2024 addresses the current state of cybersecurity within organizations across the Nordics focusing on the prevalence of cyberattacks, investments in cybersecurity measures, employee awareness, and organizational preparedness. The survey was conducted in collaboration with Axiom Insight in Finland, Norway and Sweden in May-August 2024.

More than 3000 respondents from private and public organizations contributed to the survey, with approximately 1000 drawn from each country. The survey aimed to reach professionals who have a decision-making role in cybersecurity within their organizations. Tietoevry has conducted bi-annual cybersecurity surveys as part of its continuous efforts to raise awareness and counter cybercrime. This 2024 survey is our fourth.


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